Friday, 15 July 2011

The Link Between Vitamins and Vision

Nutritional treatment of common eye diseases is changing. For years now, the accepted treatment is based on something called 'AREDS' - Age Related Eye Disease Study. This was research performed over 6 years using the following dosages of several vitamins and nutrients used in combination:

500 milligrams of vitamin C;
400 international units of vitamin E;
15 milligrams of beta-carotene (or 25,000 international units of vitamin A);
80 milligrams of the dietary mineral zinc, in the form of zinc oxide; and
two milligrams of copper as cupric oxide, added to prevent copper deficiency anemia, a condition associated with high levels of zinc intake.

What was concluded was that the dose used reduced age related macular degeneration by 25%. Off of this research many products were formulated, including Ocuvite Preservision by Bausch & Lomb a collaborator within the study. There were however many lower cost formulas which matched the research backed dosage manufactured by other companies, such as 21st Century Health Care's Healthy Eyes.

Now a new study (AREDS II) is being performed, mainly in part to the promotion of nutrients such as Zeaxanthin, Astaxanthin, Lutein and Omega 3 to see whether the inclusion of these can have further influence on the effects of macular degeneration and cataracts. The research was started in 2006 and if it follows the same pattern as previous will conclude in 2013.

21st Century Healthy Eyes AREDS (Ocuvite PreserVision)

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Vitamin D - Pregnant, Old, Irish?

The march of Vitamin D to the top of the essential supplements list continues once again this month with a flurry of activity once again in the press covering such a diverse range of ailments that you'll soon question why you don't have any in your cupboards.

This is just a small amount of the headlines from the past few days:

Older women who take vitamin D3 may live longer‎
Could vitamin D be the most important one of all?‎
Pregnant women 'need more vitamin D'‎
Vitamin D cuts health risk in twins‎
Vitamin D May Stave Off the Big 'D'‎
'Vitamin D-deficiency may have killed Mozart'

Nearly spat my green tea out reading that last one!

The fuss about Vitamin D these past 12 months is the form Cholecalciferol or Vitamin D3. This is the form of Vitamin D that is synthesised naturally in the skin when you're subjected to sun light. Talk about supplementation of D3 is being targeted to northern hemisphere countries which experience long months will short days and long nights. 

Of course snap opinion states that we all get all the nutrients we need from a well balanced diet with a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables. Which in fantasy land where you have time to plan and balance your meals while you're not working long hours and looking after a family is fine. Research seems to back this, as initial findings are showing that Irish women who are pregnant are on average getting 80% less Vitamin D than is recommended.

If you are thinking of taking a Vitamin D supplement, I suggest you read up as much as you can. The NHS has helpfully published this PDF:

Buy Vitamin D3

Friday, 1 July 2011

Top 5 Wholefood Multivitamins - Juice Plus + Alternatives

The Juice Plus+ PR machine was on top form this week landing some fantastic coverage of their products in the press. It's been hailed as a fantastic way of helping you achieve your 'Five-a-day' with glowing endorsement from the likes of Bear Gryll's (real name Edward).

However for those in the know, wholefood multivitamin and food supplements are nothing new. If you're in the market for a good quality food based vitamin supplement then you're currently spoiled for choice. Are you looking for great value while covering all the basics? Are the latest superfoods and phytonutrients an essential requirement?

For decades critics have fallen back on the outdated and fictitous belief that "if you eat a healthy balanced diet, you don't need to supplement". As I kindly remind these people, you show me a person with a healthy balanced diet, and I'll show you a person who doesn't work, have to raise children or leave the house. This person does not exist in the modern world.

Here is our run down for the Top 5 Wholefood Multivitamins & Food Supplements

5 Nature's Plus Animal Parade Chewable

Nature's Plus have a large range of natural food based supplements under their 'Source Of Life' branding. However if you're looking for a quality food based multi for the kids, then you're going to run into difficulties. Often children dislike swallowing pills, so many look to chewable vitamins for the solution. The problem comes in when to counter the strong flavours given off by various vitamins and minerals they have to add a lot of colourings, flavours and preservatives.

We like that Animal Parade is free from artificial colours and preservatives, it's vegetarian and gluten free. Rather than using simple cheap sweeteners and simple sugars they have used Fructose which should break down slower in the body.

4 Nature's Own Euro Gold

No, not a new gold seem discovered underneath the Alps, but a high quality multi marketed as a 'Food State' product. What this means is that the basic ingredients to the product are from natural sources and not broken down into their component chemicals. On top of this it also has a probiotic base - Lactobacillus bulgaricus which is found naturally occurring in the gut.

We like the approach they have taken to remove as many excipients, to which ends they've done a good job considering it's a tablet rather than a capsule.

Click here for ingredients break down:

3 Nature's Way Alive!

Some companies have a very clear focus on what their target customer is. Apparently Nature's Way prefer the approach of target everyone, as is apparent by their inclusion of (deep breath):
Spirulina, Chlorella, Blue-Green algae and other green superfoods.
Parsley, Kale, Cabbage, Cauliflower and other vegetable juices. Yum?
Papaya, Plum, Pineapple and other what they call 'Orchard fruits'.
A medicinal mushroom complex including Reishi, Shiitake and Maitake.
Omega complexes derived from flax and sunflower seeds.
Actually there is so much packed into this it's probably best you just read the label:

We like this all out guns blazing approach, especially if someone is currently on a bit of a health kick. However, we would be less keen taking this on a regular year round basis, as certain ingredients are best used when directly treating a condition rather than as a general wellness tonic.

2 Pure LifeEssence Master Multiple

Now, a four tablet a day formula will put many off, but Pure like many believe that a single dose multivitamin is not going to be absorbed to it's fullest it the most healthy of digestive systems. Splitting that high dose multi into smaller ones that you take with meals will lead to far better absorption. Thankfully the large 240 tablet bottle size provides you enough for two months (yes I had to work that out on a calculator, why do you ask?).

Again this formula contains herbs, which not only make it threatened by the EU, but also not one we would then recommend taking year round. Complete a course of it, then switch to a more generic wholefood multi unless you are treating a specific condition.

1 Solgar Earth Source Multi-Nutrient

Often when discussing Solgar, you'll overhear people mention "you're just paying for the name". Often when asked, these same people buy their supplements on offer from Lidl (I love Lidl, but wouldn't buy my vitamins from there), so clearly aren't any authority on the importance of quality and manufacturing practice.

Earth Source gives you good dosages of whole food concentrate vitamins and it's suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans. Although the recommended dosage is up to three a day, we realised a long time ago that a company to call any product a 'One A Day', it's down to what your body needs and what you're lifestyle is like.

Click here (and squint) for ingredients break down:

As with any other nutritional supplement, we recommend you either talk to your local health food store or nutritionist or GP so that you are fully aware of what works best for you and whether you should be avoiding certain supplements due to an existing ailment or condition.

Friday, 24 June 2011

Wimbledon strawberries hold secret to anti-ageing

In no way playing off the fact Wimbledon is on this week, the Daily mail promotes the benefits and anti-oxidant activity of strawberries. Yes after years of lurking in the background while the new kids on the block (oi blueberries and goji berries, I'm looking at you!) take the lime light, it is finally time that the humble British strawberry - N.B. strawberries of other nationalities may have equal, lesser or greater nutritional value.

Anti-oxidants are compounds that act as you will have probably have guessed to prevent the oxidation of other molecules. When a molecule oxidises it can release free radicals which in turn can lead to damage or death of cells. The anti-oxidants that people are most familiar with are Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Beta Carotene, Retinol (Vitamin A), alpha-tocopherol (Vitamin E) and Ubiquionol (co-enzyme Q10). They frequently appear in higher concentrations in what the press call "super foods".

Higher Nature Super Antioxidant Protection

Friday, 17 June 2011

Herbal Medicine Awareness Week

If any one topic has defined 2011 for us so far it's herbal medicine. These past few months have seen the hopelessly out of touch EU legislation begin to be enforced. What this has meant for you our readers and customers is a greatly reduced choice. What it has meant for us is seeing products, brands, people, business and families disappearing from our industry after decades of responsible manufacture and service.

It's easy to talk about how 'big pharma' has the power and finances to form EU opinion which inevitable made proposed legilisation into reality. Unfortunately the reality of the situation is it's probably too late. I trained as a herbalist nearly a decade ago, so my opinion is biased and cynical, however what I found interesting was that certain herbalists have welcomed this crushing legilsation with open arms! What I eventually discovered that they believed (falsely) that under this new scheme, that somehow they would be levitated about mere "alternative therapists" and be given the recognition that they desperately wanted.

How wrong they were.

If you're looking to see if there are any local events in your area surrounding the herbal awareness week, please follow the link:

Friday, 10 June 2011

Apple peel may hold key to ageing gracefully - Ursolic Acid

Ursolic acid this week has been reported as being a possible cure to living comfortably into old age. The chemical which is said to keep cholesterol and blood sugar regulated as well as preventing muscle wasting is found naturally occurring in apple peel.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Dr Adams of the University of Iowa wanted to find a drug that would delay muscle wasting as "it prolongs hospitalisation, delays recoveries and in some cases prevents people from going back home. It isn't well understood and there's no medicine for it".

This isn't the first time ursolic acid has been written about in the press, as other studies have shown preliminary findings that may support it's anti-cancer effect by inhibiting the STAT-3 pathway.

Although the focus from the Mail article is on apple peel, the chemical is actually found in a wide range of herbs and fruit including basil, bilberries, cranberries, elder flower,peppermint, rosemary, lavender, oregano, thyme, hawthorn and prunes.

New Chapter Super Critical Holy Basil

Friday, 3 June 2011

A Quick Guide To Probiotics

Over the past ten years, probotic drinks have been slowly but surely invading our lives and digestive tracts. Now supermarkets have whole fridges dedicated to the huge array of choice the consumer now has if they want to improve their digestion.

But why and what's the benefit of spending what many see as an awful lot of money on these tiny little bottles?

Well they all to some extent contain probiotics. Probiotics are bacteria that are found occurring naturally in our digestive systems. What studies are showing is that we are born with a healthy amount of gut flora, but as we age and subject our bodies to poor diet and antibiotics these levels can drop.

Since the beginning of the 20th century scientists have been able to prove the beneficial effects of probitoics on the body and are currently studying the effects they have on fighting E. Coli, Helicobacter pylori, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and many other digestion related diseases.

In our opinion, the probiotic drinks that you can buy in the supermarkets are fine if you're looking to top up in general, but if you're looking for probiotics to use after a treatment of anti-biotics then we'd suggest you do some research into the freeze dried probiotic based supplements available.

One of the most 'famous' is Lactobacillus acidophilus, this has been shown to kill off Candida alibcans mainly due to the acid it produces. This used in combination with FOS (Fructooligosaccharides) which acts as a food for your friendly bacteria we have found personally to be very effective at getting your digestion back to normal.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Pressure Turning to Stress - You Need Rhodiola!

If you're currently undergoing an intense period of stress either cramming for exams or preparing for an important presentation then you are already probably aware that the long hours and umpteen cans of stimulant drink are already causing a dip in your immune system.

Signs of stress to look out for include: 

  • Generally tired and lethargic
  • Experiencing an all over ache
  • More emotional and prone to crying
  • Heightened anxiety and panic attacks
  • Disrupted sleep patterns
  • Irregular digestion manifesting either as stomach or bowel complaint
  • Itchy skin with potential rashes
  • More susceptible to cold and flu

Adaptogens are a group of herbs whose phytochemical constituents act on the body to help modulate the effect of pressure (and stress). The herbs that have typically fallen into this category are numberous ginseng like plants such as Panax, Ashwagandha, Eleutherococcus and Maca. 

My personal favourite for those currently going through the mill is Rhodiola rosea. It has been shown to improve mental and physical performance as well as potentially reducing fatigue. Swiss Herbal Remedies produce a Rhodiola glycerine tincture that is discreet and simple to take, just add 20 drops to a little water before meals.

Swiss Herbal Remedies Rhodiola 50ml

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Paella: The Key To Protecting Eyesight?

Researchers from the University of L'Aquila have shown that Saffron, the studied ingredient used in Paella and Pillau rice possesses a number of properties that are protective to vision.

Professor Silvia Bisti states "We are now trying to understand the mechanism, but it appears to block cell death. Saffron components have strong antioxidant properties .... it appears to affect genes which regulate the fatty acid content of the cell membrane and this makes the vision cells tougher and more resilient".

The spice which has historically cost more than gold, but currently sits around £500/lb is produced from the dried stigmas of Crocus sativus.

Scientists and eye sight campaigners agree that further research is needed and with over half a million suffering from macular degeneration in the UK the sooner the better.
Viridian Saffron Extract 30 Capsules

Friday, 20 May 2011

Top 5 Sunscreen and Sun blocks

"If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it"

It's true, sun screen is very important. Look after your skin and it will take care of you for decades to come. This is not up for negotiation, so let me help you chose a top quality sun screen that suits your needs and pocket!
For Kids 
Jason Natural Cosmetics SPF 45 Kids Sun Block
Jason have created Kid's Sunblock made with natural ingredients and heavily concentrated UV protection which provides your child with natural, long lasting solar coverage. Made for Kids Sensitive Skin to provide Long Lasting Solar Defense. Paraben Free

For Sun Worshippers
Green People Sun Lotion SPF15 with Suntan Accelerator
 Containing Edelweiss, Green Tea and Avocado  as well as 3 layers of sun protection in one. UV protection, antioxidants & sun tan accelerator! Faster Tan - Faster Protection - Longer Lasting Tan. Suitable for people who may be prone to eczema and psoriasis

For Those On A Budget
Aloe Pura Sun Lotion SPF 15
What with the cost of sun lotions seemingly going up and up it's refreshing to find one containing an impressive 99.9% aloe barbedensis at a very reasonable £7.58 for members. The SPF of 15 may not be suitable for everyone, but for those on a real shoestring here's a tip. Stay in the shade.

For The Face
Jason Sunbrellas Facial SPF 20
For many, a general all over sun screen will clog up the skin on their face within a day of applying it. The solution, either a giant floppy hat or a specialist formulation like this one. It's oil free, hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic (not irritating to acne).

For Aftersun
Aloe Pura Aloe Vera Gel
Without a doubt, the essential travel purchase this summer, next summer and every time you go out in the sun - any good quality high percentage aloe vera gel. Cooling, soothing, moisturising and has literally saved my skin so many times I've lost count (very fair skinned here).

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Win A Konnyaku Sponge

Konnyaku Image

To celebrate the launch of Genki's latest product, the Konnyaku sponges, we are giving you the chance to win one. Simply follow the link and click like on the competition entry to be entered.

Competition closes 20th May 2011
Konnyaku is a popular Southeast Asian vegetable, rich in minerals and dietary fibre. For over a century Konnyaku has also been used by the Japanese in beauty treatments.
The unique plant fibre structure of konnyaku is ideal to create the perfect face and body sponge. Incredibly soft, yet textured, the fibres deeply cleanse and exfoliate without damaging even the most sensitive skin. Moisture-rich and natural cleansing, they can even be used without a separate cleanser or soap.

The mild alkalinity of konnyaku is naturally antibacterial, and gently rebalancing the skin’s pH levels. Genki Konnyaku Sponges are hand-made from 100% food-grade konnyaku fibre with no preservatives, artificial colourings or additives.
Available in three varieties:
Original - for normal/sensitive skin. 100% pure konnyaku vegetable fibre sponge
Pink Clay - for dry skin. Using mineral-rich French clay, renowned among beauty therapists for its softening effects on the skin.
Black Charcoal - for oily skin. Perfect for teen skin and those prone to acne and breakouts. Contains activated carbon and minerals that remove excess oil.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Top 5 Smoothie (and juice!) Boosters

The Mail has run an article on the healthiest smoothies and juices you can make. They suggest lingonberrys (familiar to anyone who frequents the supermarket section of IKEA), acerola and chokeberries. We love a good smoothie here at Discount Vitamins and Herbs, but we can think of several other 'boosters' to really push your smoothie making to the next level.

1 Creative Nature New Zealand Barley Grass Powder

As they say themselves, grown in the lush pastures of New Zealand, the fresh grass is harvested whilst still moist with morning dew to bring you natures finest medicine. Probably the most complete food on earth. Strong claims, but there's no denying the quality of this barley grass, rich in chlorophyll which is regarded highly for it's supposed detoxifying properties.

2 Lamberts Imunostrength
This was a huge success this winter with our customers. Offering a high concentration of Vitamin C and antioxidants thanks to its blend of elderberry, rosehip and blackcurrant. It comes out a Delicious rich ribena colour that will turn any smoothie a reassuring immune strengthening purple.

3 Swiss Herbal Remedies Eicosanoil

We generally don't go a day without picking up on another clinical trial flaunting the benefits of Omega 3 and essential fatty acids. This really isn't a here today gone tomorrow fad, it's common sense nutrition that everyone should be enjoying. One of our personal favourites is hemp seed oil as it contains the perfect balance of Omega 3, 6 and 9 in a naturally occurring seed.

4 The Healthy Bowels Company Lepicol

As long as you are on this healthy blending and juicing regime it may be time to give some care and attention to one of the most important aspects of your health. Lepicol contains three ingredients: psyllium husk, a water soluble fibre that is gentle yet effective, Probiotic cultures and FOS (Fructooligosaccharides) to boost a sluggish digestion and ease bloating.

5 Optima Pomegranate

At one time this superfood was very expensive to purchase as demand outstripped supply in under a month. Now it's more shy of the tabloid pages and as such has come down to far more realistic prices that enables you to enjoy this every day. Made famous for its cardiovascular benefits in recent years, maybe now is the time to be enjoying this nutritious and delicious juice every day.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Does a spicy curry hold the secret to weight loss?

The Daily Mail reported this week that chilli 'keeps hunger pangs at bay'. Chilli (also known as capsicum and cayenne) is a commonly used ingredient in a lot of weight loss products on the market. It's known to improve digestion, speed up metabolism and improve delivery of other components in a formula via dilation of blood capillaries.

 What the latest findings are showing is that the effect on the sensory system plays an important part in affecting the stimulant like effect experienced. The down side to these findings is that whether you frequently enjoy a hotter curry or have a liberal attitude to the naga chilli the weight loss effects are apparently going to be reduced.

Solgar Cayenne
New Nordic Chili Burn

Royal Wedding SOS Supplies

What with not being able to turn on the radio or read a newspaper without being bombarded with 'Will's n Kate' gurning back at you we thought we'd offer up some advice on how a future bride can prepare for the big day.

Skin Care

No one can guarantee that you will have blemish free skin come the morning of the big day, but a beauty regime can certainly add to any glow the blushing bride to be may have.
  • DO NOT change your skin care or try new products close to the Wedding day, don't risk a reaction (and it does happen).
  • Good quality nutrients with a diet full of fresh produce will not only help improve the appearance of your skin but also boost your ability to cope with pressure and balance your mood.
  • Essential fats and a good skin, hair and nails formula will give you a solid foundation to build on.
Solgar Hair, Skin and Nails
 Wedding Pressure

The band only wants to play metallica covers, the photographer is doing a stint inside for dubious pictures and the swan ice sculpture has fallen over,nearly crushing Auntie Brenda. None of this phases you. Why? Not because you're up to your eyeballs in sedatives.
  • A good quality Vitamin B Complex with a high amount of B5 which supports your adrenal system, will help you handle the inevitable pressures.
  • It may prove hard to swallow a relaxing tea rather than turning to stronger stuff, but a tea containing chamomile such as Pukka's 'relax' tea blend should help some of the stress melt away.
Pukka Herbs Relax Herbal Tea       
Higher Nature True Food B Complex

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Vitamin D linked to MS

Link to article:

The BBC has today reported a suspected link between a lack of sunlight and the condition known as Multiple Sclerosis or MS, which is damage to the insulating myelin sheath around nerves. The research conducted investigated possibly causes of MS being attributed to a lack of sunlight in combination with glandular fever caused by the Epstein-Barr virus.

What research is now showing is that there appears to be a link that requires further investigation between sunlight incidences of MS. Head of biomedical research at the MS Society states, "This work adds weight to existing evidence that MS is caused by a number of factors working in combination".

Evidence already suggests that MS is a disease that is seen more frequently the further away from the equator you are, and within the UK itself there are more cases the further north you are, which would seem to attribute itself to sunlight however many other factors would need to be considered.

If you are interested in Vitamin D:

A pill for every part of the body?

The Daily Mail has written an article breaking down some of the most common ailments and what they believe are the most effective herbal and nutritional treatments. Interestingly enough they make the statement "For herbal medicines, always look for a THR number on the pack. This indicates that it’s registered by the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority". This makes me curious as to who financed the PR to have this article written in the first place.

Here is a link to the aforementioned article:

My main argument with it is this, no single herb, vitamin, mineral, potion or endangered animal horn will work for everyone. Everyone is different and your body won't process remedies the same way mine would. This we can see in the pharmaceutical industry regularly, one treatment may be super effective for some while others it does nothing.

This does however leave you with a dilemma if you thinking of trying 'alternative' medicine. We recommend the following courses of action:
  • Talk to your GP. Many studies have now been done on certain nutrients and herbs, and all the Doctors I know simply love double blind clinical studies. Which is subsequently why they make truly awful dinner guests.
  • Do your research. There are hundreds of thousands of pages of information available on the internet (not all reliable) and thousands of books written on the subject. Ignorance is not an excuse.
  • Consult a practitioner. Many alternative pracitioners are trained to look at the person as a whole. Typically treating the person rather than the ailment, there may be other factors that need considering when formulating a treatment plan.
  • Don't break the bank. You shouldn't need to remortgage the house to be able to afford some quality nutrition. Go see Discount Vitamins and Herbs

Friday, 15 April 2011

Oily fish reduce risk of post-natal depression

New research from the University of Connecticut has shown that pregnant women with a diet rich in 'oily fish' scored better on a questionnaire designed to spot the first signs of post-natal depression. In the study "26 women took a fish oil capsule, containing 300mg of the omega-3 fat DHA, five times a week from around the 24th week of pregnancy".

What we've always considered to be the flip side of Omega 3 from fish has been quality issues in certain 'budget' ranges that have shown far higher toxicity than fish oils that have been filtered to some degree. This is of particular concern for some mothers who believe that these toxins can quite easily cross the placental barrier.

Many consider a plant based essential fatty acid to get around this, as not only does it contain many precursors to DHA they tend to also have a far better balanced omega profile as well as far lower levels of toxicity.