Thursday, 28 April 2011

Does a spicy curry hold the secret to weight loss?

The Daily Mail reported this week that chilli 'keeps hunger pangs at bay'. Chilli (also known as capsicum and cayenne) is a commonly used ingredient in a lot of weight loss products on the market. It's known to improve digestion, speed up metabolism and improve delivery of other components in a formula via dilation of blood capillaries.

 What the latest findings are showing is that the effect on the sensory system plays an important part in affecting the stimulant like effect experienced. The down side to these findings is that whether you frequently enjoy a hotter curry or have a liberal attitude to the naga chilli the weight loss effects are apparently going to be reduced.

Solgar Cayenne
New Nordic Chili Burn

Royal Wedding SOS Supplies

What with not being able to turn on the radio or read a newspaper without being bombarded with 'Will's n Kate' gurning back at you we thought we'd offer up some advice on how a future bride can prepare for the big day.

Skin Care

No one can guarantee that you will have blemish free skin come the morning of the big day, but a beauty regime can certainly add to any glow the blushing bride to be may have.
  • DO NOT change your skin care or try new products close to the Wedding day, don't risk a reaction (and it does happen).
  • Good quality nutrients with a diet full of fresh produce will not only help improve the appearance of your skin but also boost your ability to cope with pressure and balance your mood.
  • Essential fats and a good skin, hair and nails formula will give you a solid foundation to build on.
Solgar Hair, Skin and Nails
 Wedding Pressure

The band only wants to play metallica covers, the photographer is doing a stint inside for dubious pictures and the swan ice sculpture has fallen over,nearly crushing Auntie Brenda. None of this phases you. Why? Not because you're up to your eyeballs in sedatives.
  • A good quality Vitamin B Complex with a high amount of B5 which supports your adrenal system, will help you handle the inevitable pressures.
  • It may prove hard to swallow a relaxing tea rather than turning to stronger stuff, but a tea containing chamomile such as Pukka's 'relax' tea blend should help some of the stress melt away.
Pukka Herbs Relax Herbal Tea       
Higher Nature True Food B Complex

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Vitamin D linked to MS

Link to article:

The BBC has today reported a suspected link between a lack of sunlight and the condition known as Multiple Sclerosis or MS, which is damage to the insulating myelin sheath around nerves. The research conducted investigated possibly causes of MS being attributed to a lack of sunlight in combination with glandular fever caused by the Epstein-Barr virus.

What research is now showing is that there appears to be a link that requires further investigation between sunlight incidences of MS. Head of biomedical research at the MS Society states, "This work adds weight to existing evidence that MS is caused by a number of factors working in combination".

Evidence already suggests that MS is a disease that is seen more frequently the further away from the equator you are, and within the UK itself there are more cases the further north you are, which would seem to attribute itself to sunlight however many other factors would need to be considered.

If you are interested in Vitamin D:

A pill for every part of the body?

The Daily Mail has written an article breaking down some of the most common ailments and what they believe are the most effective herbal and nutritional treatments. Interestingly enough they make the statement "For herbal medicines, always look for a THR number on the pack. This indicates that it’s registered by the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority". This makes me curious as to who financed the PR to have this article written in the first place.

Here is a link to the aforementioned article:

My main argument with it is this, no single herb, vitamin, mineral, potion or endangered animal horn will work for everyone. Everyone is different and your body won't process remedies the same way mine would. This we can see in the pharmaceutical industry regularly, one treatment may be super effective for some while others it does nothing.

This does however leave you with a dilemma if you thinking of trying 'alternative' medicine. We recommend the following courses of action:
  • Talk to your GP. Many studies have now been done on certain nutrients and herbs, and all the Doctors I know simply love double blind clinical studies. Which is subsequently why they make truly awful dinner guests.
  • Do your research. There are hundreds of thousands of pages of information available on the internet (not all reliable) and thousands of books written on the subject. Ignorance is not an excuse.
  • Consult a practitioner. Many alternative pracitioners are trained to look at the person as a whole. Typically treating the person rather than the ailment, there may be other factors that need considering when formulating a treatment plan.
  • Don't break the bank. You shouldn't need to remortgage the house to be able to afford some quality nutrition. Go see Discount Vitamins and Herbs

Friday, 15 April 2011

Oily fish reduce risk of post-natal depression

New research from the University of Connecticut has shown that pregnant women with a diet rich in 'oily fish' scored better on a questionnaire designed to spot the first signs of post-natal depression. In the study "26 women took a fish oil capsule, containing 300mg of the omega-3 fat DHA, five times a week from around the 24th week of pregnancy".

What we've always considered to be the flip side of Omega 3 from fish has been quality issues in certain 'budget' ranges that have shown far higher toxicity than fish oils that have been filtered to some degree. This is of particular concern for some mothers who believe that these toxins can quite easily cross the placental barrier.

Many consider a plant based essential fatty acid to get around this, as not only does it contain many precursors to DHA they tend to also have a far better balanced omega profile as well as far lower levels of toxicity.

Sunscreen Not Sunbeds, Natural Not Orange

Earlier this week I had a feeling we may be jinxing the weather if we decided to run a special offer on sun screen. Now looking out the window on this chilly overcast day I can safely say never trust a weather report. Although they do believe it's going to be a nice weekend.

What prompted us more than sitting out in the garden for the first time in months was the news reinforcing the importance of protecting your skin ( We support the ban on under 18's using sun beds, but can appreciate the hit to small business owners who have invested huge sums of money in the machines. However is the bigger issue surely, why do people want to be orange?

This phenomenon of people trying to change their natural skin colour isn't unique to the western world. Women in East Asia have for centuries been bleaching their skin, in the false belief that paler skin reflects a pure soul. The blame cannot lay with media celebrity either, just because certain idiots on the television are starting to look more like Morph than human beings doesn't mean we should all follow blindly.

The good news? The natural beauty movement has been picking up serious pace in the past few years. No longer do you need to look like you've been tango'd to appear naturally gorgeous. As the song goes:

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be
it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by
scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable
than my own meandering experience

Friday, 8 April 2011

Coming Soon: Massive increase in our range!

We can finally begin to reveal what we've been working on for what seems like months now. As of next week we will finally roll out a massive increase in the amount of products we stock.

Most would say a range of 5000 products would be considered a pretty impressive collection, but not to us. Hopefully (all fingers crossed here) by this time next week we will have close to 20,000 products ready for you to browse and buy.

Not only that but we will be listing ranges of products that are a genuine first to Discount Vitamins and Herbs. This means that all our favourite supplements and health products that we saw at Natural & Organic last weekend will be available for you to see for yourselves.

A small collection of what you can expect shortly:

As well as this huge increase in our range, we are also implementing other changes behind the scenes to ensure your orders get to you faster and with less delay.We aim to have these well in effect within fourteen days.

The only other thing to mention is once again, at the end of this month (April 2011) EU legislation comes into effect. This will mean massive restrictions concerning products containing herbs effectively banning us from selling them. We urge you to stock up on any herbal products that you currently use, as once we have sold out, that's likely to be it.

April is IBS Awareness Month

We're back from the Natural & Organic trade show and busy negotiating special offers to pass on to all of you on the latest products, but while I was visiting The Healthy Bowels Company it was brought to my attention that April is indeed Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness month. Now we could make some throw away tagline along the lines of 'IBS sufferers need not suffer in silence in April', but that would be in bad taste.

While I was there he mentioned his top ten tips to improve bowel health (full pdf here):

  1. Chew your soups and drink your solids
  2. Eat a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, lots of olive oil and fish
  3. Eat less red meat, pastries, crisps and processed meat
  4. Eat less wheat
  5. Eat less dairy
  6. Eat more soluble fibre
  7. Mix your intake of probiotic friendly bacteria with Inulin
  8. Consume less caffeine
  9. Come off the laxatives
  10. Exercise
I've been a big fan of Lepicol for many years, and most of the people I've recommended it to are very happy with the reduced bloating and feeling that their digestion is getting back on track. Well, now they have launched a new product at the show imaginatively called  "The Perfect Colon Cleanse Combination". It contains three separate products including Lepicol Plus (Lepicol with digestive enzymes), Magnaflow (a magnesium supplement) and Colon Massage Oil.

We think this is going to prove to be a very popular formula, and as I missed the January detox (it's our busiest time of year, do you really think I'm going to be a pleasant person to be around at the best of times, let alone when I'm 'cleansing') I think I'll be trialling this out in the next few weeks.

Happy Colon month everyone!

Friday, 1 April 2011

Herbs and the EU - What you need to know

First off let me apologise by stating something right away. We don't know what the situation will be post April. More to the point NO ONE knows what the situation will be, and anyone who claims they do is lying through their teeth.

For those of you not quite up to speed let me break it down for you:
  • As of the 1st May 2011 you won't be able to legally buy herbs that haven't been licensed through an organisation called the MHRA.
  • This piece of legislation is called the Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive.
  • The MHRA called for stricter manufacturing standards and guidelines placed on all herbal medicines.
  • What actually happened (and this is purely my personal opinion) is that the MHRA succeeded in raising a lot of money for Europe at the cost of consumer choice.
  • At present it is being challenged by various groups, but time is running out.
So ranting and raving aside, what this basically means is that your choice of herbal medicine is going to be vastly reduced. What was intended as filtering out the worst offenders (not mentioning any names but the quality of products endorsed by a certain Welshman have been the stuff of industry legend for decades) has turned into decimating what was always a small industry. With heavy hands the MHRA applied the same bullish measures that they take on the pharmaceutical industry.
All may not be lost however as there is last minute toing and froing over the legality of the scheme and it's devastating anti-competition effects. However judging by the fact that companies within countries that aren't even members of the EU have been affected by this legislation (Jersey, Guernsey etc), with rumours flying that the islands financial institutions (which provide the overwhelming majority of the countries income) would come under fire if the local government didn't step in line. Ready to exploit the situation however, Healthspan themselves in the video for Jersey News are quoted that 'as smaller manufacturers drop out due to the licensing costs its herbal business will grow'.

As the current system stands, you are also going to lose perhaps entirely Chinese, Ayurvedic, South American and any other herb that cannot be proved to have been used within the past 15 years. Only an organisation as bloated and young as the European Union could justify in the name of 'safety' the complete ban on hundreds of herbs that have been used safely for thousands of years.

Now comes the cost, not only to the manufacturers but to the state. To the manufacturers this can be anywhere between £20,000 and £120,000 per product. Guess where that cost gets to be recouped, that's right the consumers pocket. One can only assume that all this money raised is going to be used towards monitoring, restricting and seizing ( dangerous herbs. Is that not the very definition of a self perpetuating bullshit machine?

To summarise the effects that we expect to take effect:
  • 99% Of the existing herbal products in the market will disappear
  • Increased costs of the remaining products to cover the licence fee
  • More additives and chemical 'nasties' finding their way into the remaining products
  • A secretive organisation of black clothed secret police incinerating fields of dandelions with flamethrowers
  • (Your experiences may vary)
There is a saying being thrown around the industry at the moment which goes like this:
Q. What's the difference between Solgar Milk Thistle on the 30th of April and Solgar Milk Thistle on the 1st of May?
A. Nothing, but in May it cost them £80,000 more.